In manufacturing, productivity and efficiency are core concepts often misconstrued or used synonymously despite their importance to improving company throughput. Knowing the differences and intricacies between the terms is crucial in improving the production process of any manufacturing company. In this article, we will break down the differences and give some of examples of how yours can be improved.
Manufacturing productivity is simply the output per unit of time. Variables such as the time it takes to make something and the quantity of production can be factored into the measure of a company’s productivity. This can apply to goods and services as both benefit from increased productivity.

One way to think about productivity is the amount of time your machine is running, which can be increased by upgrading your equipment. The FlexCNC has various features that will exponentially increase your spindle uptime, such as the open bed design and Pendulum Mode. Your average machining center must be turned on and off as operators load parts, with often more set-up time than production. This wastes time, lowering productivity overall when parts are not being produced. Pendulum Mode allows the machine to move along the open bed, machining parts while the operator chases it with setups. This is just one way in which productivity can be improved.
Manufacturing efficiency is the best possible output for each unit of time. It refers more to the quality and effectiveness of the work or the ability to do or produce something without wasting time, energy, or materials. Where productivity can be measured in unit amounts, efficiency can be measured in percentages.
One way to improve efficiency is to have better-engineered programs and machines that do a better job than humans. The FlexCNC offers convenience options such as the Z Reader Probe and the Renishaw Package. For example, the Z-Reader Probe automatically measures depth for quick and efficient adjustments during tool changes. This gives a more accurate measurement than a human could and decreases set-up time overall. The Z Reader Probe does the job better with less error, increasing your efficiency.
Similarly, the RenishawPackage, another FlexCNC option, streamlines part setup. This system accurately finds work offsets and performs in-process inspections, keeping parts aligned and quality in check. Like the Z Reader Probe, the Renishaw Probe provides more accurate measurements than a human could, ultimately decreasing set-up time.
Productivity vs. Efficiency
Productivity and efficiency are correlated but not necessarily causational. For instance, you may produce 50% more goods within a week only to discover that 40% are faulty. Your productivity went up, but your efficiency went down. Conversely, increased efficiency can increase productivity. Better-quality products can lead to increased profits, which can then be reinvested into the company in the form of better materials, equipment, or workers.
Finding the balance between the two can be tricky but essential. Focusing on one or the other often leads to failure, as both are needed for the best possible throughput. The FlexCNC is one example of an investment that can improve both. The open bed and the machine’s ability to move back and forth are vital in minimizing downtime and improving productivity. At the same time, the included and added features can all make small tasks work better, increasing efficiency.

The best way to strike a balance between the two can change from company to company, mainly depending on the levels of productivity and efficiency that were previously in place. Investing in employees, upgrading equipment, increasing output, and keeping yourself informed are only some examples of how to improve productivity and efficiency best together. Employees are key in this process, so ensuring they are trained and understand their role and the goods they produce is critical.
Productivity is output over input, and efficiency improves the product while minimizing losses. Quality and quantity are improved, and the company works at its fullest potential. Work intentionally to combine the two and improve your throughput exponentially. Choose the right equipment to invest in to bolster your company’s profits. If you’re ready to upgrade your productivity and efficiency, contact us for a quote on one of our machines today.